ecosoft - Aqua Standard Yerevan partner

Filter Jug + 5 Cartridges (Green)

This Filter Jug uses a purification method that reduces visible impurities and a bit of Chlorine ensuring that you drink clean water.

This jug is fridge-safe and is a must-have in any kitchen. Includes 5 replacement cartridges.

This Filter Jug uses a purification method that reduces visible impurities and a bit of Chlorine ensuring that you drink clean water. This jug is fridge-safe and is a must-have in any kitchen. Includes 5 replacement cartridges.


Total volume - 3.5L
Filtered water volume - 1.8L

Filter Jug + 5 Cartridges (Green)


Visible dirt: dust, hair, leaves, and other sediments, as well as unwanted odors and tastes.


Filter Jug Luna Replacement Cartridges

Replace the cartridge every month

Included in the Package

1 Water filter jug
5 replacement filter
Instructions manual

Вес 0,6 кг
Габариты 250 × 110 × 280 см
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